Annual Convention 2019

The DSA-LA Bylaws establish an Annual Convention as the highest legislative body of the Local. Rescheduled to October 19, 2019, the Annual Convention is an important opportunity for the Local to come together to reflect on our work, collectively refine our growing organization’s governing documents, and set priorities through next year’s Annual Convention

Our Local aims to exist along organizational lines developed and led by members—not imposed on members from above. Our governing processes reflect this deep commitment to democratic participation at all levels, and, to this end, the Steering Committee is opening a call for Proposed Amendments to our Local Bylaws and Organizational Priorities and Chapter Resolutions in advance of our upcoming Annual Convention.

Timeline and submission guidelines are outlined in detail below.  

Timeline for Submission of Proposed Amendments and Chapter Resolutions

Guidelines for Submissions

Amendments to the DSA-LA Bylaws & Organizational Priorities

Per Article XIV and Article VI(Section 1), proposed amendments to the DSA-LA Bylaws and Organizational Priorities must be made by written resolution, and endorsed by 25 members in good standing.

Each proposed amendment must be submitted to the Steering Committee by email at steeringcommittee(at) by midnight on August 19, 2019 and include the following components to be considered for review by the chapter:

  • Article # and title of bylaws provision you wish to amend or add
  • Lead contact, the person who will serve as point person for communication regarding the proposed amendment with the Steering Committee
  • Names, emails, and phone numbers of 25 members in good standing who endorse the proposed amendment (can include lead contact)
  • Proposed in-line edits or additional text of the proposed amendment or organizational priority
  • For bylaws amendments, the Organizational Priorities with which this proposed amendment is aligned, and the motivation for the amendment (Maximum 500 words)

Proposals for Chapter Resolutions

Chapter Resolutions are time-bound, large-scale structural and/or campaign-based efforts that require major Local resources. Like proposed amendments to the Bylaws and the Organizational Priorities, Chapter Resolutions must be made by written resolution, endorsed by 25 members in good standing. Unlike amendments to the Bylaws, Chapter Resolutions do not become enshrined in our governing documents. Only three Chapter Resolutions will be approved at the Annual Convention. Following the Annual Convention, Chapter Resolutions are implemented by the Steering Committee in collaboration with Committee/Working Group leaders and rank-and-file members over the course of the subsequent year.

Each proposed Chapter Resolution must be submitted to the Steering Committee by email at steeringcommittee(at) by midnight on August 19, 2019 and include the following components to be considered for review by the chapter:

  • Title of Chapter Resolution
  • Lead contact: the person who will serve as point person for communication regarding the proposed resolution with the Steering Committee in advance of the Annual Convention
  • Names, emails, and phone numbers of 25 members in good standing who endorse the proposed resolution (can include lead contact)
  • Proposed Chapter Resolution and Justification:
    • Component 1 (500 words max): Description of the Chapter Resolution, including a timeline (example timeline here), considerations of how this work will be organized, and Local resources required. Local resources include, but are not limited to: chapter’s monetary resources, members’ monetary resources, member mobilization and time, political capital, and production of materials.
    • Component 2 (500 words max): Organizational Priorities with which this proposed resolution is aligned and motivation for the resolution.
    • Component 3 (500 words max): Outline the ways this resolution would offer opportunities to engage new and active members, and intentionally build a broader base of engagement and membership in our organization throughout Los Angeles County.
    • Component 4: Across all applicable Committee and Working Group platforms, identify relevant goals which this resolution supports and advances.  

Previously Submitted Proposals

All resolution and amendment submissions for the canceled April 2019 Annual Convention must be resubmitted if they are to be considered at the October 2019 Annual Convention. Steering Committee members will contact authors of previous resolution and amendment submissions for the canceled April 2019 Annual Convention to assist with resubmission.

For reference:

Chapter resolutions proposed for the 2018 Annual Convention can be found here, and a summary of the three Chapter Resolutions which were approved by the membership in 2018 can be found here.

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